Upcoming Events at Camp de Benneville Pines

Many of the events listed below will contain links to additional information. Click on the appropriate button to view associated ads or to register for the event.
Click here to download a copy of this calendar.

Please stay safe. We look forward to seeing you on the mountain top in the near future.
Call: (909) 794-2928 | Email: director@uucamp.org


Event Information:

  • Adult Camps

    There are many opportunities for adults to participate in camping experiences at de Benneville Pines throughout the year.There are camps with programming designed specifically for adults such as the Yoga and Wellness Retreat, Music in the Mountains, Summer Art Camp, "Stocking Stuffer" Art Camp in Winter, as well as Men's and Women's retreats in the spring, and others.,
    There are also camps where adults can participate as part of an inter-generational group, such as Thanksgiving Weekend, PSWD Family Camp and individual Church Weekend retreats sponsored by UU churches throughout the District. To register for these various events, please visit the individual pages under this menu, or the Family Camp Menu.
    If your church sponsors a de Benneville camp weekend, registration is handled by a designated person within your congregation, so please contact that person for details.