Upcoming Events at Camp de Benneville Pines

Many of the events listed below will contain links to additional information. Click on the appropriate button to view associated ads or to register for the event.
Click here to download a copy of this calendar.

Please stay safe. We look forward to seeing you on the mountain top in the near future.
Call: (909) 794-2928 | Email: director@uucamp.org


Event Information:

  • Youth Camps

    Camp de Benneville Pines presents a number of camps throughout the year for children and teens between grades 2 and 12.  Six of these camps are planned and supervised by the Pacific Southwest District (PSWD) of the Unitarian Universalist Association, and several others by Camp Bravo, an independent organizations providing theater arts training for young people between 10 and 18 years of age. The camps offered include:

    • PSWD Elementary Summer Camp (Completed Grades 2-5)
    • PSWD Junior High Summer Camp (Completed Grades 6-8)
    • PSWD Senior High Summer Camp (Completed Grades 9-12)
    • PSWD Elementary Winter Camp (Completed Grades 2-5)
    • PSWD Junior High Winter Camp (Completed Grades 6-8)
    • PSWD Senior High Winter Camp (Completed Grades 9-12)
    • PSWD Counselor In Training (CIT) (Ages 15 and Up)
    • Camp Bravo - Check the Camp Bravo website to find out which session is right for your child.