Upcoming Events at Camp de Benneville Pines

Many of the events listed below will contain links to additional information. Click on the appropriate button to view associated ads or to register for the event.
Click here to download a copy of this calendar.

Please stay safe. We look forward to seeing you on the mountain top in the near future.
Call: (909) 794-2928 | Email: director@uucamp.org


Event Information:

  • After the Lake Fire - Back in Business!

    Vertical water dropAfter perhaps the most harrowing four weeks in Camp de Benneville Pines history, during and after the "Lake Fire", the Camp was able to welcome campers again the weekend of July 11th. The PSWD Junior High campers and staff arrived on schedule, with one minor glitch due a second fire in the area that closed route 38 again for a brief period on Sunday. With any luck, the rest of our summer will proceed as originally scheduled.

    You may also be interested to know that John Rabe, host for public radio station KPCC's "Off- Ramp" visited Camp on the 7th of July. You can listen to his complete interview with our director, Janet James by clicking the link, above. You can also listen to the prior telephone interview with Janet, and follow any further developments, or schedule changes by visiting our Facebook Page.